I am a Wife, Mom, Gigi and a Life Coach.
I live just east of Toronto with my husband of 40 years (in September 2023).
I have worked with the same Lawyer for 42 plus years, as his assistant.
In 2013, I realized most of my career in law was about Coaching clients to get to their
“new” lives. We do a lot of matrimonial work.
It was that year that I found Martha Beck and got Certified with her in 2014.
In 2016, I got Certified with Susan Hyatt as a BARE Coach, helping women love themselves first, and lose weight from that place.
In 2021, I went all in on my Coaching and got Certified with The Life Coach School.
As my work in Law has diminished greatly, my Coaching has been building. My Coaching Business is no longer my “Jobby”. (Job/Hobby).
Life Coaching has changed my life in extraordinary ways. It has helped me through some of the greatest challenges of my life. It has changed the way I look at things.
Now I have the incredible opportunity to help so many people with their challenges, their
decisions, their extraordinary goals, from a place of not only my own transformation, but
the transformation of all of my clients over the past several years.
No matter what you want in your life / for your life, I can help you.
Just a little weekly boost. Some fabulous thoughts and other fun things!
Copyright © 2020 - 2025 Anne Secord Life Coach - All Rights Reserved.